Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blow me a kiss and I'll be happy the rest of my life.

Cereal Monday is heaven-sent. I say this in part because the tradition was my idea. It goes like this: every Monday, Shannon and I bring a different box of cereal (if we remember) to Simpson and sit in the lobby with our bro Travis (cinna-mon) and...

We. Eat. Cereal. If other Simpson residents ask us about it, we invite them to eat cereal with us. (Oh, your roommate has Frosted Flakes? Go get them! Sharing is caring, after all.)

I'm crossing my fingers that Cereal Monday will become a Simpson legend. I'm crossing my fingers that other Simpson boys will get wind of the tradition and maybe start bringing some cereal of their own to share (Yes, I'm talking to YOU). And I'm praying that, even through these silly habitual times of fellowship, we are building strong relationships.

On that note, I'm very thankful for today. Lately I've been discouraged about relationships here on this campus. There is no easy solution to the problems I have dealt with, but today was a little light that I needed desperately. So I'm thankful for today. I'm thankful for puns, for surprises-for-no-reason, for coloring books, for inside jokes, for man-hugs, for our friend Jack Attack and his perfect sense of humor, for nicknames, for Laura Golden, for a box of 120 crayons, for music, for intramural football games, for blue skies, for Applejacks and 0% milk, for photographs and the creative souls who take them, and most of all for grace shown through the simplest things.

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